"Keep It Real," Where's your DJ? - Responses

Many MC's and rappers claim that they are 'keeping it real' and 'representing real hip-hop' but most of them do not feature scratching on their albums or a DJ in their live shows. Rap music has skyrocketed during the last 10 years while DJing, Graffiti, B-Boyin' (breakin'), and beatboxing have mainly existed in the bedrooms of a few dedicated men and women. Does this even matter to the hip-hop fan of 1997? Example: If a person that buys rap music is 18 years old and they started listening to rap when they were 13 years old they have grown up in a time of wack mix tapes, MTV and other media brainwashing (radio & print). Most likely a young person who listens to rap music today has not been exposed to the other elements of hip-hop. We would like to know your comments and answers to the following questions;

Name: DJ Phlurgg

Email: mailto:phlurgg@nfinity.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Support turntablists
at all costs. Vinyl is undergoing a small resurgance right now, but
only time will tell if it's here to stay. Without support from the
record producers, djs are almost ensured obscurity. I've noticed an
unusal occurence, in that the rave community is now supporting hip
hop with their djs. This will prove to be an invaluable frienship
that should be protected.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Craig Wah Day

Email: mailto:hwahday@internetnorth.com.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Make vinyl more
accessible, More comps/battles, Jams, more publicity not so it
becomes a "pop" icon but enough so that people can recognise exactly
what the art form is about and give it the praise and respect

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Nas and all other MC's
who or think they are lyrically the shit and don't have a DJ.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Masai of STRICT F.L.O.W.

Email: mailto:tcmst9@pitt.edu?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Real hip-hop
events will highlight all four of the main elements of the culture.
Rap music "has" skyrocketed to be a multi-billion dollar industry.
As a result of that it has been infiltrated by people that are
ignorant of the history, and only out for the fast buck. That is why
we are finding more R&B singers in the chorus of the songs than
DJ's. I honestly believe that most of the people that are making
this distortion of hip-hop music, that we find cluttering the
shelves of our "rap" sections in stores, don't even realize that
there is supposed to be scratching present in a hip-hop record.

Rap music is the voice and spokesperson for the culture and for the
other elements that don't speak with their tongue and vocal chords.
I as an emcee that makes hip-hop music, I know my responsibility of
bringing the elements of hip-hop to the public. (Caution this may
sound like a plug) I have a 5 minute unlooped beat box only song on
my! new album. I have a two minute, 1 take, break beat song on my
album, where our DJ is just coasting two breaks. I have scrathing on
more than half of my 16 track album. I have put Grafitti on the
cover of my album. I have b-boys break at my live shows. I have
freestyles on my album. Taking it one step further we played a host
of the instruments live. This is real hip-hop to me. I don't know of
any other album in the history of hip-hop that has represented each
element like this before and taken progressive steps to force
hip-hop to the next level.

This message was not written to brag, it was written to set the tone
for the future. There are thousands of people who are going to hear
this record and then know that it dosen't even make sense for us to
be contaminating our music with the non-sense that is going platinum
these days.

Mark these words. The underground and independent scene is about to
swallow the major label garbage that is being shoved down our
throats. Hip-Hop makes a return by 1998. Remember "real" hip-hop
will include: Mc, Dj, B-boy, Graf Art, hopefully some beatboxin',
and if you're lucky a battle will take place.

I know I got off topic in some places but just understand that our
generation of heads must reeducate the new wave of thirteen and
fourteen year olds that are only experiencing hip-hop thru the radio
and MTV. That is when we won't need some R&B singer in the chorus to
make it sell. See "All I Need" Meth & Mary J Blige for prime
example. This song was on point before she ever touched it and I can
think of 100 acapellas that could have been scrathed in the refrain
between his verses.

The new LP "Homegrown" available worldwide June 1st.

Name: Mr. K.O.motion Yang

Email: mailto:khaoscru@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: By showing how Dj's
can greatly improve a song...

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: bone thugs and h...

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Griffin

Email: mailto:grif@chariot.net.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: I love it.
Scratching is one of the fundameltals of hiphop DJing. I'm not
saying it should be in EVERY hip-hop song, but there isn't enough
scratching, all the attention is given to the MC.

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I think we should
have more DJ Competitions, and have more hip-hop events. Something
that would both give DJs an incentive to show off their skills, and
to expose the rest of the hiphop community to the DJs.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I would love to see
common sense hook up with a DJ. Not just guest spots on albums, but
actually team up with one.


Email: mailto:n9705119@scholar.nepean.uws.edu.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Either support Pro
Dj products and crews with Dj's or get a good Dj to do a mix tape
with non Dj containing songs and cut over the choruses, etc. then
buy the mixtape so that way the artist ain't getting no loot and
next time they'll realise that people do want dj's and they will
need to put one on or risk getting their shit mixtaped again...

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I think most crews
without a dj are wack instantly. eg. you never hear those shit
gangsta rappers using dj's. But sometimes even decent artists trip...
like Mobb Deep's second album, that should have had some cutting on

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: PureLogik

Email: mailto:okfine@cube.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Support DJs and have
more DJ only shows and concerts etc.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Most of the artists I
listen to already have one and if they dont have one, well I
probably dont listen to them......

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Ben Daines

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Put more scratching
on records, more live DJs at concerts, and better qulity mix tapes,
kill off wack r&b singing on hip hop tunes.

Name: Dino!

Email: mailto:de_prenc@postoffice.utas.edu.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Start the
"adopt-a-DJ" scheme where a list of willing DJs submit their names
to a list and then that list is distributed to the needy.

Tasmania has never seen a skilled hip-hop DJ. This little known
statistic may shock many, but this horror is happening in your own
backyards. Can we allow this travesty to continue?

Through the "adopt-a-DJ" scheme, isolated communities such as
Tasmania can reap the benefits of aquiring skills at a grass-roots
level, by learning from the experienced individual. These
communities can then go on to cultivate DJs of their own, becoming

Act now! Dial 1-800-ADOPT and jump-start hip-hop.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: SEIZE 101

Email: mailto:seize@inforel.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: More mothafukas
better start to realize true dj skills... take the initiative to
find, and learn more about the underground djs practicing their ass
off at home. I just can't believe how advanced turntabling has
gotten, and how unappreciated it is.......

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: all of them.....

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: agemo

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: fuck off all that
'thug' boolshit.. you need more live jams, you need more props for
dj's and you need to have a following... you cant break the cycle
when no one shows to a gig. more eductation.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: any of those wack
assed toy thugz shits. fuck all that

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: SeanQ

Email: mailto:SeanQ@onaustralia.com.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I think people such
as the Invisible Scratch Pickles, mo wax, etc., help to bring
awarness to the dj as a musician, and the heart of hip hop. However
we need more mc's out there reinforcing that, as Rakim did with Eric
B, Guru with Premier, Chuck D and Terminator X, not just in a one of
Dj track way, but in that, a hip hop group without a dj is like a
rock group without its guitarist.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Mr. Mumbles

Email: mailto:kmos@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Yes but some just
can't find the right DJ to work with.

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Have more DJ
contests and get the old DJ's, now producers to bring out tapes, eg.
DJ Kool.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Most West Coast artists.

Name: didds

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Murder label executives

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: none

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: skrappy

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Without question
there needs to be scratching in hiphop tracks...as long as it's done
tastefully and not OVERdone. I think that vocal tracks are for the
MC, the dj, at least in this format, should be there only to
compliment the MC with a chorus/scratch.

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: 2. I refuse to
support any hiphop with r&b singing/ influence at all!!!!
3. I think we have nothing to worry about as far as saving the dj
goes....heads have ridiculous skills in 97 and dj's, at least in
Chicago, get mad respect.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Def Squad

Name: Kevin

Email: mailto:dance321@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: No

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: most djs dont
wanna take time and learn scratching compared to like 1978-1987. I
noticed as time progressed and the popularity grew for hip hop
he values of the hiphop culture started to die out. So now you got a
dj with a dat trying to look fly on stage...boring right.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: stress to everyone
that the djs coming up with most rap groups these days are wack and
most of them you cant evan call them djs cause they have dats what
the hell is that shit about?

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Ray

Email: mailto:rjs@sirius.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: support the main dj
events...support the superior talent we have in the piklz and the x
men and all the other veterans....support the up and coming, and
spread the word...

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I cant think of any
that dont have a dj that i listen to...

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: MinX

Email: mailto:safernan@acs.itd.uts.edu.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: ...well yes!
"What is dj if he can't scratch?"... Why is "some R&B woman"'s
vocals in a chorus incompatible with skillful turntable skills?

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: people sit around at
home chillin and spinnin disks instead of going out to SEE and hear
live skills.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Metabass

Name: shamarcus p grayson

Email: mailto:shamarcus@mediaone.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: R&B Singer

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Let the D.J. flex
his skillz and demand that the radio stations be more liberial.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Can't think of one,
because I listen to real hip-hip (ex. KRS-ONE and BCC)

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: d-roc

Email: mailto:rocsteady@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: I love scratching
in hip-hop songs, that's what it's all about, ain't nuthin like the
sound of a DJ workin the tables like Q-Bert, etc....no need to call
for Mary J. and the like.....

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: The release of "The
Return Of DJ", I feel, was a good start to bringin' awareness to
hip-hop fans that DJs are an, if not the most important figure in
hip-hop music, mainly to the mainstream fans of hip-hop, whom like
you mentioned, grew up to hip-hop acts who don't feature DJs or use
'em but don't give 'em proper acknowledgement.

I didn't grow up to hip-hop music, coming from Malaysia, the hip-hop
scene is basically dead back home. The Beastie Boys were the first
actual group that sparked my interest in hip-hop. I don't claim to
be one who knows everything about hip-hop but I do know that DJs are
synonymous with hip-hop music, and I have always held a great deal
of respect for them. I understand DJs like Strecth Armstrong, who
whole a great deal of pride in not succumbing to mainstream labels,
and want to remain true to the game by starting independent labels
and remaining "underground". This may not help the situation, but it
is something that certain DJs whole important, and I ain't one to
dis 'em in anyway about that.

Recently, DJs like DJ Shadow have helped bring to the public's
attention that DJs are truely gifted artists in their own respect
( with a major distribution deal with Mo' Wax and the release of
"Endtroducing..." Although, some may argue that Shadow is not
"hip-hop". May be, but a talented DJ who should not be under minded
never the less ). And it is good to see that slowly, DJs are now
getting the attention that they have long deserved ( DJ Q-Bert, Funk
Master Flex, DJ Krush ). A recent article on Shadow and the Invisbl
Skratch Picklez in SPIN magazine shows that DJs are indeed breaking
into the music scene ( we're talkin about SPIN magazine here! ).
This all really doesn't answer your question avout how we can help
bring back DJs but I think DJs are pretty much slowly comin' out on
their own. I personally have always admired DJs and have never had
the chance to really take my interest to the next level back in
Malaysia. Vinyl is dead, and lousy record distribution deprives me
of MANY albums. Anyway, I ain't here to bitch about the sad state in
which I grew up in ( maybe some other time ) :).

Big up to all those DJs who have decided to sign on to major labels,
and to those who still shine in the background, much respect!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Can't think of any off
hand...most of 'em which I listen to do have one....but what I'd
like to see is more DJs doin' their thing on the cuts and not just
focusing on the MCs' skills alone. DJs do deserve props as well.

Name: Kim Dezen

Email: mailto:kdezen@mail.cardijn.net.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Hold more battles
and demos. At the moment theres only the DMC, but that comes only
once a year. We need to expose the DJ so that peoples know what its
really all about. I mean, theres shit loads more that Hip Hop DJ's
can do than just scratch!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I cant think of one of
the top of my head!

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: brode

Email: mailto:compton_family@msn.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: support them and
make sure they get credit instead of not getting mentioned in songs
of who the dj was.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Alkaholiks, Mobb Deep

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Ben Grundy

Email: mailto:beon@hinet.net.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: We need to support
the underground Mc's, DJ's and producers to help keep the real hip
hop alive. Buy the latest mix tape instead of the new "commercial
rap" CD, go to clubs and participate in live hip hop events, explore
the outer realms of todays hip hop and look beyond the best selling
american artists...

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Every single one of
them that doesn't already!

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Ted Power (MUSE1)

Email: mailto:cec940221@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Dj's kick ass! I
love to hear good scratches. Also, seeing a good dj perform live is
one of the best forms of entertainment.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Bring back more
mixing competitions. Make people know scratching is a vital part of
hip hop, and without it we would be missing an element of basic hip

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: any one who does not
have one should definitely get one. (altough I do know that good hip
hop dj's are hard to find) The act of making songs themselves could
be made easier on mc's if they have a dj readily available.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Anonymous

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: 36deez'

Email: mailto:mariama@worldnet.att.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Djs at the parties
need to bring out those old school skills- learn the new tricks so I
can have a valid reason to listen to Foxy Brown's 'I'll Be'...not
that I want to tho

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?:

- Pharcyde
- Common (does Mr. Sinister of the X-Men still work with Common?)
- Chino XL
- The Roots (jokey joke!!!)

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Julia King

Email: mailto:integrity@worldnet.att.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: R&B Singer

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Educate about DJing
and how it has been a part of hip hop since the beginning.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Digable Planets - but
they broke up, De La Soul.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Ben Stevenson

Email: mailto:moody@mindless.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Preserve vinyl for
one thing...and give DJ's a hell of a lot more respect!!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: umm lets see....NAS
needs more DJ work.........even Black Moon etc need more DJ work, A
Tribe Called Quest...I think Ali Shaheed needs to flex some
skills.....Black Sheep, ummmmmmmmmm who else we got.....does KRS
have enough scratching???......too many to mention

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: jen

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: No

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: I never liked
much scratching. I like it cool and clean. Most times when scratching
is done it can mess with the flow, and if the artist does not flow
well with scratching then let it be. It's not a point to whether or
not scratching "is really" what hip hop is about, to me hip hop is
expressing yourself, there is no guide book.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: What should happen,
is we should get together some oldie but goodies and hold some sort
of concert, bring back the dj-ing. and then you will start a whole
new roll of kids growin up wantin to be a dj, and what not. Of
course there would need to be a couple new names too, to bring in
the crowds of youngins.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: dj scratch p

Email: mailto:scratchp@sprintmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Cola

Email: mailto:gamelord@powerup.com.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: The kind of style
that Chris 'The Glove' Taylor performs in Breakin' & Breakin 2:
Electric Boogaloo

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Stage more Dance
contests that feature the Art. Like the great Radiotron and other
early '80's style of club scratch art. That euphoric dance feeling
was incredible, and it's a shame that it has been lost in today's
junk that masquerades as Hip Hop

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: None of today. I
rarely listen to anything '90's anyway. My true love for Breakin &
Hip Hop revolves around the 1980-1986 era of Rock Steady Crew,
Afrikka Bamabaata, Grandmaster etc. nothing of today, in my opinion,
comes close to that kind of fantastic honesty of the code.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Pasebooga!

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Boycott all the
bullshit that's out right now.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: None, because most
"real" hip-hop artists use one in their shows. ( I think?)

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: dedmike

Email: mailto:dedmike@ix.netcom.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I dont know if there
is anything you can do. I think that rap as we know it now will
continue to move closer to r&b and pop untill it is totally
assimilated. Scratching may never achieve above ground success but I
dont think it will die out either. Skratching is sort of like far
out jazz, not everybody can appreciate it. To a lot of people, crazy
jazz just sounds like noise, it takes a little knowledge and effort
to hear the music in it. Thats why the masses will never fully
embrace pure hardcore scratching, its too challenging to listen to.
People want ear candy thats easy to listen to, but that shit has no
music in it. It might sound good for a little while but it cant
stand the test of time. Dont worry, weak ass fake hip hop will
fade, but true underground shit will always be around.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I dunno, does Rakim
have a DJ right now? I don't give a fuck about those muthafuckas. I
wish Jazzy Jeff had a rapper. I was just listenin to the "he's the
DJ..." album and that guy was ill. Too bad he went out, cuz he would
be the bomb by now.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Kahu Kuchel

Email: mailto:cindyk@arataki.co.nz?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Make it easier to
get DJ equipment, then maybe more people will want to be DJ's.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Notorious B.I.G., when
he was alive.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Matt Lewis

Email: mailto:jackson@alaska.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: More instrumental
tracks (dj made my day, wheel of steel etc.) on albums, an album of
all d.j.s, put a d.j. on the cover of some magazines (Rap Pages,
Beat Down, etc.)

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I don't know. I
usually buy albums based on the producers. The only hip hop group
that i can think of that dosen't is The Roots & they got Razhell, he
kinda fills the D.J.-less vaccum.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Boyd Strohlin

Email: mailto:renew@gte.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: R&B Singer

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Bone Thugs N Harmony

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Paul

Email: mailto:reid@net1.nw.com.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Yeah I love DJin
and Breakin and Graf

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I'm not sure...but
i'm saving up for turntables so i can show off my work

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: ALL

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Fee

Email: mailto:feec@fcbe.edu.on.ca?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Don't buy DJ Clue
and DJ Craig G tapes. The only reason these guys sell tapes is
because they put on the new bootleg joints that no one has heard
yet. No one buys these tapes for the skills because Clue and Craig
G, etc. don't show any. I think I heard one scratch on the last
Clue tape. Buy tapes from DJ's who are actually DJ's and cut,
blend, match beats, transform, and scratch. I could do what Clue
does on his tapes, except I could do it better with a tape recorder
or maybe some CDs. Support real DJ's and keep the artform alive

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Mobb Deep and I'd like
to hear more scratchin in Wu songs (but i don't have the new album
yet, so i can't really say)

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Jason Chuck Moses

Email: mailto:chuckrso@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Sometimes it
can be cool to hear it with "r&b" choruses as well. the most
important things, besides making good music, are versatility and
open-mindedness eg the guitar and bass, or jazz instruments a la
gangstarr being sampled or used in hip hop tracks. it is unfortunate
that many people are not subjected to mixing and scratching,
breaking etc but i respect any who are true pioneers.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I don't believe that
a talented mc can't be respected as an artist in his/her own right
BUT when a man rips up the vinyl and rocks a mad style, it can make
the difference to a jam. Once again, it is unfortunate that many
people do not know the skills of djs, who truly can (should?) run
the show, but it's kind of cool to know that the "outsiders" do not
possess the same knowledge as hip hop heads. i believe that
outsiders will appreciate true talent when exposed to it, eg mixing
at live jams, but there will always be people who mindlessly follow
music that either sounds OK or is popular.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: If applicable, the Brethren

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Dj Reminisce

Email: mailto:DekWreck@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Not only feature djs
skratching for a little bit but give them a good amount of time or
maybe even a track to flex their skills!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Mad Skillz

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: DJ Erroll

Email: mailto:bpdhq@compuserve.com.uk?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I think it's up to
the DJ to make him/herself heard and help raise the profile.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: If you don't already
have a DJ then maybe you don't really want one?

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Moose

Email: mailto:hiphopfeen@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Boycott major
publications like The Source until they give features to artists
like the piklz and beat junkies, etc

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Those that don't have
one, are wack, so why would i want them to have a DJ? they can stay
off in their own dimension of wackness and non-hiphopism... (ok,
that's a bit extreme, im sure theres plenty non-wack mcs that would
be dope with djs, but i really cant think of any right now)

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Robert Findlow

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Yes, it is a
fundamental part of hip hop culture which seperates between wackness
and the proper shit. Also it just sounds wicked.

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: More battles, more
support from radio and established rappers like KRS. Also bring in
guest deejays on radio shows. The indepedents are in a good
position to bring scratching to a large amount of people.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: A lot of west coast
artists. On the east side the Wu as they are in a good position to
make a difference.

Name: DJ Q-Bert of the Invisibl Skratch Piklz

Comment: I don't even listen to rap I just like to listen to jazz
or other DJs skratching on their tapes.

Name: B$T-179->

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Phuck dem FAIKARS.
Turntablism is alive and well, all the true HEADZ know when someone
aint real. Look at graf, it gets next to zero respect from the
commercial rap game but it still thrives.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: rashid cordero

Email: mailto:rashidness@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Support and buy dj
tapes like beat junkies, scratch pickles, x-men, etc. Attend shows
which feature live dj's like krs one, gangstarr, p.e., if u rock off
a dat i want a refund.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: All my favorites have
dj's, u can't be a hip hop act without a dj.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Grand Emphatic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Real DJ's (those
technically skilled in the art of vinyl manipulation) are not a
priority to the powers that be and dominate the hip-hop industry,
and therefore there is no value placed on these pillars of hip-hop
culture. The understanding of what a turntablist does is foreign to
the averge self-proclaimed hip hop fan. "dj's" are a dime a dozen,
while the art of djing is a very rare, endangered, and undervalued
skill. I could vent for days with no solution in sight so I'll stop
here. Respect to Bomb, for giving a shit!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: All should have a DJ
and do shows live from vinyl. I don't think that a boycott is
necessarily the answer. I big up any artist who can get on and
maintain in the climate of the current hip-hop establishment, with
or without DJ, cause the shit ain't easy.

Name: Jace

Email: mailto:jace@mis.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Suuport. That is all
there is to it. Everyone says that a show with a dj beats a show
with a dat, but face it who got more props last year, nas or

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Tribe, Mobb

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: paco

Email: mailto:paco@llc.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I think boycotting
is a good idea but look at it this way...those who do not have a dj
are mainly mainstream. mainstream groups dont give a fuck that we
the underground community boycott them, they're gettin theres anyways.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Cameron

Email: mailto:jbrett@hartingdale.com.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Having looped
melodies/beats without skratching is neglecting opportunities to

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: The punks who
commercialise and leech off hiphop are in it for profit first, music
second. The DJ appeals only to the hiphop head, not mass audiences.
Therefore we should encourage hiphoppers to love the music before
the dollar. Until this happens, they'll use lowest-common-denominator
features (ie- RnB choruses) to get the bucks.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I wish DeLa Soul would
do more scratching and humourous stuff as on their first album,
rather than the excessively smoov RnB flavour they've picked up.
Using RnB to criticize RnB is interesting, but theyre almost
indistinguishable from it! (eg- OooohBabyBabyBaby..)

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes


Email: mailto:101347.2274@compuserve.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Do as we are doing.
The true hip hoppers know the real.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: If they ain't got a DJ
they ain't really hip hop so they can fuck right off. Though I would
like to see Wu get rid of that shit head mathematics and Rectangle
to stop working with bullshit artists such as Warren G.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Mike Ryan

Email: mailto:103124.260@compuserve.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Well, it seems that
now-a-days, most record labels, and groups have their own web sites.
And this site is big enough, maybe you can promote us, the
listeners, to pation these sites with email. Maybe other web sites
would get in on it too.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I wouldn't of minded
seeing Notorious B.I.G. having a DJ, but I guess that's not possible
any more.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Mike Warren

Email: mailto:marj231@idirect.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: More skills flexed
in songs. From suttle background scratches to solos (ie. Pete Rocks
in The World is Yours). Bring back the days when DJs had solo songs
on rap albulms. Thats the only reason I still listen to Jazzy Jeff +
Fresh prince tapes.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Mobb Deep, the whole
Def Squad, Ras Kass, Common

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Mark Dago

Email: mailto:decoy@gridmagazine.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: DJing is as
important as any of the 4 elements. It adds depth and is an artform
all it's own.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I hate booty ass no
talent R&B chrouses.. It's shit!!! shits gotten out of control. We
need to go independent! fuck these major labels. They twist groups
into fitting into what's selling or why can't you be another one of
whatever...The real hip hop community has to have as much control as
possible! DIY...it's harder but it will pay off in the long run...
preserving our way of life. If groups go to a major label...they
have to make sure they don't sign for the fact of singning...but to
control as much of them as they can...publishing, concepts...so on...

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I think a lot of them
use DJ's when they tour? don't they...

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: James

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: No dats at live
shows except where producer is on show to bring back the live aspect.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Bretheren, Organized
Konfusion, Nas.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Chris Warner

Email: mailto:accountrenwar@worldnet.att.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Have labels that
stop selling just only cd's but more vinyl as well.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: KadaFEE, Wu-Tang
doesn't use a dj, etc. etc.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: bPlus

Email: mailto:herb@icenet.no?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Everyone gotta do
what they can to preserve/bring back all the elements of TRUE Hip
Hop. By supporting underground artists and crews that are elevating
Hip Hop (while keeping in touch with the roots) and NOT buying
bullshit that major labels and MTV are trying to sell.

By giving love and support to DJ's and artists utilizing
DJ'ing/turntablism we,as a whole, can break the evil circle we got
going where people buy what the major-labels feed them and the
major-labels keep releasing the shit that sells.

When a majority of the Hip Hop heads around the world would prefere
a Piklz tape instead of a Wu-Tang CD..or when kids realise there is more
to Hip Hop than MC'ing and they start to pay interest in all the
other elements, THEN the major labels will pay attention.

On the other hand, too much major-label/media interferance can be
bad... eventually we COULD end up at a point where DJ'ing is being
raped just like MC'ing have been the last couple of years...after
all, we dont need 150 Funkmaster Flex' now do we?

Anyway..its up to US to preserve ALL the elements of Hip Hop..not
just DJ'ing. Maybe todays kids is lacking some of the DIY-attitude
that have been elevating Hip Hop and talking the art to the next
level from day one. Unless people act nothing will happen :/

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Id like to see Siah &
Yeshua use a DJ even MORE than they are doing right now.... the same
goes for Solesides... Shadow and Gift Of Gab are defenetly not using
their skills enough...

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: VerbOne

Email: mailto:NoCoast@juno.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Back up all dj's
that are innovative and flex skill. Back up turntablism as awhole
and not only as the back up as the DJ is actually the original MC.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I don't think any
artist that lack a DJ should have one, for they already prove a
sense of wackness within the fact that they disreguarded the need
for a DJ. (Besides the Roots whom have gone in a completely
different direction with originality)

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Mix-a-Myte

Email: mailto:mixx@southwind.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I guess the only
thing that we, personally, can do is dont buy that watered down

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: C-BO (DJ Daryl used to
scratch ie. 415), Richie Rich (nice seque huh) Brotha Lynch, Esham,
K-Stone,Insane Poetry (There aint no scratchin' on Blacc Plague),
Totally Insane, K-Rino.


Email: mailto:agnt1half@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: "HIP-HOP" is made up
of different elements...... "THE DJ" is one of them..... without
that element there "IS" no HIP-HOP......

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Wuteva artist out
there that's actually RESPECTFUL and TRUE to the hiphop culture!

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: glare

Email: mailto:dittmann@hbs.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Distinguish hip hop
from other aspects of the predominant black american culture

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Thomas

Email: mailto:henris@glo.be?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Make people
understand the skills that is needed to scratch and also tryin' to
put a maximum of scratching into rap songs, so that poeple would
get used to the sweet sound of scratching.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: All tha mc's I like
have d.j.'s

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: M-Enie

Email: mailto:Djm_ernie@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: More DJ awareness!!
More shows with DJ solos, i mean without the Em-cee rapin and
shit... More media recognition of Dj'in.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Jeru the Damaja

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Matt Night

Email: mailto:matt473@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: We've got to stop
all this gangsta shit (buy'n it, make'n it, listen'n to it, etc..)
and get back to true hip-hop; experimentation and creativity.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Artists that do have a
positive influence on the hip-hop community, such as; KRS-One and
Tribe, should embrace the DJ more. Corporate cock-suckers such as
Snoop Dogg and Lil'Kim should just fall off. Any artist on BadBoy
or Deathrow are not part of the hip-hop community so they should
forget the DJ's and keep slang'n their shit to the mindless MTV

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Justin Hayduk

Email: mailto:wolfgang@epix.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: If you're an MC than
get a Dj, if it weren't for Dj's there'd be nothing to rhyme to. If
you're a Dj than just keep improving and rocking shit. I think if
there were such things as Dj workshops and if turntables were more
accessible than perserving the Dj would be easier.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Nas, Redman

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: dj larok

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Ban all rap artists
who don't use a turntablist when performing.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: KRS ONE

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Adam Crain

Email: mailto:fcrain@msn.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Hell Yes!! But,
there's no problem if there isn't any. Conforming to a single idea
of every song having scratching is kinda closed-minded, and there
are a lot of good songs out with no scratching.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: There's more to the
hip-hop culture than the D.J. But, just have whoever is DJin' get
out, into the clubs, get record deals, make videos, get publiscized,
and show the world what's up.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: All that don't have
one, mostly the "rappers"

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Wildman

Email: mailto:jwildeman@tref.nl?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Rap artists should
bring a DJ instead of a DAT when they do a show. Maybe it will help
if they show DJ's in their videos and not some crystal sippin'
females or some other wack cliche.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: All "hiphop" artists
who don't have a DJ should have one. Keep the culture alive!

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Jojo

Email: mailto:corderoj@nevada.edu?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: If you really want
to bring it back you have to be able to blend whats mainstream and
seduce the people back to whats underground. Because remember,
underground always sets whats mainstream. Another thing be able to
support growing communties of the HipHop by making an appearance if
you all come down to Vegas, the true hiphopers in the community
would accept with open arms and much love. I would like to see the
Invisible Scratch Pickles perform here but there to pricey. I am
part of a promotion production.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: There is so many.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: STiNK BReaTH RoCKo

Email: mailto:aroush@nugget.ngc.peachnet.edu?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: But some groups
are dope without skratches.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: don't worry about
those wack poo poo heads. i think the dj is here, it's just that poo
poo heads don't realize whats dope. There's a lot of good groups
that use djs. You just have dig a lttle deeper to find them.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: DJ FaKtS 1

Email: mailto:Fakts@concentric.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Do more shows with a
live Dj, and give the Dj a equal segment of the show to rock the
crowd. Not only will it add to the stage show(which many groups and
artists suck at), but it will also show people who are ignorant to
the art of manipulating a turntable how far scratching has come as
an artform and a music itself hopefully inspiring at least one
person in the audience to try to take it to the next level.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Usually most of the
artists that I like have a DJ.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Caspa

Email: mailto:caspa2d4@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Show the one's that
have only been exposed to commercial rap or hip hop or whatever, to
what it's really all about. They only think gangsta rap is keeping
it real because that is what they are being told. It's only through
magazine dedicated to true hip hop, like Vapours, that people find
out whats really going on. It doesn't do any good to write them off,
because they didn't have oppotunity to listen to real stuff.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: All the one's using
DAT tapes in their live shows!

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Scootabuda

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: I love to hear
cuts on rap songs because I'm a DJ myself.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: R&B Singer

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I don't we can do
anything. Most of the people I know like to hear tricks on mix
tapes. I don't think that DJing is in trouble of dying out. I
think it should stay underground and live through true hip hop heads
like me.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Westside Connection,
Little Kim, Nas, Wu Tang, TRU, Mobb Deep.

Name: Dj Audio One

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: No

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Most of the time,
It's fake ass scratching on songs. I believe only scratching should
be done by only the best. Fuck off Bad boy, Here comes The X-Men or
The Invisible Skratch Piklz!!!!

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Drop some serious
knowledge. Go DITC (Diggin' In The Crates) Or look up and research
all the Hip-Hop info that you can.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: DYMS

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Keep shit real and
represent, no matter how much people diss keep on going. Squash all
beef, wipe out the halfsteppas, encourage artists to dj or get one.
Support all dj's and groups who have dj's.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Fu Schnikens. Most
groups I listen to have a DJ.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: DJ $upreme

Email: mailto:Mtical1@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Stop buyin these
wack "so called mix tapes" that have about two scratches in them and
put DJ's back in the groups instead of in the video just being at
the party have the DJ in the group.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: All of them

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: David E

Email: mailto:d8465hn1@ozemail.com.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: If it were not
for the DJ, Hip-Hop music would not even exist. There is nothing
better than listening to a professianal turntabilsit flexing his
skills on the wheels, I actually think the DJ is equal to an emcee.
Give me Q-Bert, Shadow and Krush getting wild on the turntable any
time! It's just as good as KRS or Ghost rocking the mic.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: We have to support
the DJ's themselves. Stop complaining about where's the DJ, go out
and find him. Go out and but Shadow's "Entroducing", Go out and buy
Krush's Sh*t, Support The X-Men's Roc Raida when he comes out to
Australia next month. Also if you are a hip-hop artist don't leave
your DJ in the dark. Give him some spotlight to do his thing! Let
him go crazy at your shows, let him represent on your tape! Don't
keep the man (or woman for that matter) in the shadows. The DJ
invented this artform, give him the respect he deserves.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: The DJ is a hip-hop
artist, give him his respect. All hip-hop groups should have a DJ,
he's just as important as the Emcee. I'd love to see The RZA do a
bit more slight a hand work on the wheels in the Wu-Tangs sh*t, also
where did Meseo go? is he still a plug with De La? Where are you
man, let's hear your skills. Also let's see more support for
breakers. These cats are true representatvies of the hip-hop
culture. If you havin a show go out and gind those guys who are
bustin fly footwork, they too are hip-hop.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: tone

Email: mailto:lpatlaws@lipa.ac.uk?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I think we should
put more pressure on the promoters and people who book hip hop acts
to perform so if it says hip hop crew on a flyer then It should be a
hip hop crew that you see not two rappers with a tape

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Kim

Email: mailto:lilkim649@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: We should have more
live shows which capture the essence of djing.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: JuBei

Email: mailto:jet0357@garnet.acns.fsu.edu?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Yo, I agree
completely! I often dicuss a generation gap in the hip hop nation.
It has been my experience that those born after 1977 can never
really appreciate dope Turntablist, B-boys, Bombers, or Beat box
artist. I speculate that it is due to the exploitation of popular
culture. I think this because it is so much easier to make profit
off of the Emcee who is easily marketed to a broad scope of
consumers. Also on the real, of all the pillars of hip hop culture,
Emceen' is the easiest. You don't have to practice as much to speak
English.... On Turntables you simply can't front. You have to have
skills to sound good...Not to say that Emcee's are inferior (hell,
I'm one)

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I honestly believe
that we have to put out the material so that it is accesable. I was
raised with DJ's and there was a turntable in every house hold. I
only could use Vinyl. When CD's came into play, The younger
generation didn't have the privilage that I did. We have to take
control of our culture. Dis wack artist, and make it fashionable to
be "true" to hip hop. We have to realize that we live on a planet
dominated by capitalism. We have to make the DJ profitable, yet
walk the thin line and still remain true.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: All the dope artists
know what time it is and already have DJ's, cutting, or have found a
DJ (i.e. Artifacts). For the more mainstream hip hop I would have
to point fingers at the Tri-State area like Wu-Tang. I think its a
shame they never have cutting in their songs. For the rest of that
jiggy, playa, mafia bullsh*t, I'm glad cutting isn't in it. I don't
know any respectable DJ that wants to cut over R&B tracks!!!!

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: m.a.r.c.u.s.

Email: mailto:ruderalis@msn.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: nothing needs to be
done... the cycle always keeps spinnin' from the emcees spittin'
useless egotistical punchline-etcetera wordplay to the individual
conscious thought provoking vocab... same goes with the beats that
the DJ spins.. we see DATs & CDs, live instrumentation, and of
course the raw 1 & 2's used as a live-not memorex - instrument..
nothin' compares to the thought provoking maneuvers that are created
on the turntables - same goes for emcees who provoke thought rather
than enhance ego.. whut i'm gettin' at, iz there iz just a
balance... the cycle always revolves, the pendulum will continue to
swing.. the true-raw forms of hip-hop will never die, they just peak
and valley in the eyes of the masses..

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: iz really up to the
individual... gotta represent self.. but i guess it would be kewl to
see the Goodie Mob flip their thought provoking rhymes to some
dj-premier enhanced sh*t... Khujo got tha ill verses no doubt..

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: DJ San-Q

Email: mailto:lhungund@black.clarku.edu?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Distinguise the
difference between the realness and making loot by selling out, and
doing shit that is not true to yourself and your creativity.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Earnest Pettie

Email: mailto:pettie@lec.okcu.edu?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Support the
reinstitution of DJ'ing from a grass roots level. The underground
always becomes mainstream, eventually. Things will straighten out.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: John Roe

Email: mailto:john.roe@atsic.gov.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Nothing is more
boring than a rap track with no scratch look at most west coast
(usa) styles, any fool can put out a cd/wax these days..... but
djing takes time, it breaks the rap up, lets it flow better.....

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Switch off the
computers, don't make it so easy for new jack DJ'S to skip the
hours and hours of practice to become a good DJ......

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: jayson locquiao

Email: mailto:teckn1cs@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Yes, I do because
I am a DJ myself.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Have people know
more about the culture, kick knowledge to the young people.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Aceyalone

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Geoff

Email: mailto:saafir@ozemail.com.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Encourage groups to
use DJ's, keep putting on live shows with bedroom and world
renounned DJ's flexin some home grown skills or perfected turntable
wizardy through the one's and two's and always include DJing as part
of the 4 elements of Hip Hop, sorry Mistery - 5 aspects - gotta have
the sneaks! I mean, a Hip Hop group without a DJ is like a rock
group without a band, just lyricists floating aimlessly around the
stage with a mic in their hand.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: StreetBreaker

Email: mailto:gerry.molumby@berlitz.ie?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: If more hip hop
toons that featured turntable tricks got released then more people
would we wouldn't have to settle for the pseudo R&B bullshit.
However I do think it's important to keep hip hop underground
'cause if it blows up it gets bastardised - look what happened to
acidjazz, dirty word!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I reckon any artist /
band that feel s they can encorporate dex & sampling in their music
should do so. I like the way Beck does it - subtle but it rocks.
Check his dj out man, his name is dj swamp, that kat's been doin'
his homework, fair play.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: NoNcE

Email: mailto:t0pd0g97@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Eliminate all fake
hip-hop heads and get rid of commercial rap or promote real hip-hop as
much as the wack shit that most people listen to does.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: FluXoNE

Email: mailto:fluxone@concentric.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Scratching and
beat juggling are essetial elements of hip-hop... and I'm not talking
about just scratching over a DAT but... use the vinyl!

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: The DJ can't just be
brought back... like you said they never left... just livin in
obscurity in bedrooms and studios... to bring back the popularity of
th DJ the onus lies in the fans of hip-hop to learn to listen and
appreciate the skillz and creativity of the DJ... however as with
all abstract art forms hip-Hop DJing may not be immediately
approachable to a great number of people... the sounds are to raw
and abrasive for most and to appriciate what you here takes a
certain amount of knowledge of the skill in volved in its
creation... the best way to "bring back th DJ" then would be for
promoters to give abstract turntablists a venue to flaunt their
skillz more often... not just the DMC winners and internationaly
recognized individuals but locals, the grass roots hip-hoppers...
you,d be suprised how many there still are out there... also
encourage audiences to open their minds to alternative sounds by
playing more of the abstract beats jungle, trip-hop etc... there are
more skilled DJs producing these genres of music right now than are
in today watered down smooth sounding commercial hip-hop (or is it
closer to R+B now)jams... I have nothing agaist smooth... but I
prefer my hip-hop rough, raw and abstract!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Hey this isn't our
decision to make for a group...

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: atta dubson

Email: mailto:attadubson@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: I've only heard
one dj ever scratch, and he was bad-ass! it wasn't a hip-hop party,
but he was spinning housy records and came on after keoki, and was
scratching with keoki's record. he blew everyone away and spun for
four hours it seemed. the dj was bizz from houston, and the
location: new orleans. scratching is the bomb!

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Through massive
raves with some hip-hop djs, along with some jungle and acid jazz
while you're at it!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Oh, shit, i don't
know. there's no scene here. scracthing? you're lucky to hear a dj
in tis city who can beat mix!!! (corpus christi, texas, usa)

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: bushwick

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Even though I live
in Calgary we here know about real dj skills and the less enhanced.
Proper exposure is a vital key in order to bring the dj back in the
forefront. Old school gave props to the dj always because they
realized tthe dj is the sun of the hip hop stratosphere.(i.e Dj
Jazzy Jeff, Grandmaster Flash, etc.)

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I don't get to see a
lot of hip-hop acts down here so I don't know who represents with a
dj in concert or not. But I would like to see Redman with a serious
dj because I believe he could fuck shit up live, but a hard dj would
make his show that much harder.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Scott Boyer

Email: mailto:sboyer@dv.synetics.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Do not buy all of
the R&B crap going round.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: BNH. After their
Heavy Rhyme Experience Vol.1, I'd love to see them do that style
more and more often.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: GiZmO

Email: mailto:Oldskool13@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Tigerstyle

Email: mailto:tigerstyle@geocities.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: STOP BUYING THAT R&B
SHIT!!!!!!!!! Also, here in Melbourne, most clubs that play hip-hop
also play a shitload of R&B. We gotta support the venues that are
supporting the REAL music.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: EVERY hip-hop artist
should feature a DJ in some capacity. He/She doesn't have to
dominate the record but their presence should be felt.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: matt

Email: mailto:mattaud@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I'm not sure. lately
there has been a real resurgance (though it is still regulated
pretty much to the underground). thanks to the likes of Invisible
Scratch Pikles and DJ Shadow, the art of djing seems to be coming

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Wu-Tang Clan

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Sleepnot

Email: mailto:sleep_not@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Really, it's
happening already through worldwide crews. I think that the DJ will
never die, but most likely won't reach as high a commercial and
mainstream status as the MC. But really, in my opinion that's a
good thing, because to me the popularity of rap music is diluting it
heavily. Having a core audience that provides support for years is
better than being a one-hit wonder.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I can't think of any.
Most hip-hoppers use a DJ in some way, it's just the RAPPERS who
don't seem to need one. But really, they are seperate artforms
(although all the artforms are connected), and just like you don't
expect to see an MC at a DJ showcase, you shouldn't always get bent
out of shape if you don't see a DJ at every rap show. I mean, where
would that leave The Roots? Can anyone deny that they're on real

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: jeannie

Email: mailto:oliverji@miamiu.muohio.edu?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Music is never
yes or no, theres a place for scratching and there are places it
shouldn't be. The skillls of a good DJ don't lie entirely on their
ability to scratch it way deeper. The turntable is an instrument you
don't hear people asking if the oboe player should always solo.

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: The DJ never left
don't let corporate records dupe you into thinking the DJ died. You
want the truth you've got to seek it.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Stem

Email: mailto:stem1@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Just keep on
scratching etc. It wont die off completely, because of the
dedication underground heads have to hip hop. Personally I dont give
a shit if they dont scratch in Snoop Doggy Dogg songs. Because I
know that the true hip hop heads, are scrathing away in their
bedrooms, and they are the artists who count to me. Just keep buying
underground mix tapes etc instead of supporting wack hip hop
exploiters. And if all the pop rappers fall off, we wont care.
"We can be happy underground.."

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Hieroglyphics.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Anonymous

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: I love scratching
from DOPE DJ's....but alot of the shit i hear nowadays is noise, st8
up...'Represent The Real Hiphop" (Krs w/ Das EFX f/DJ Dice) is an
example of a nice track with scratching...back in the old days you
heard raw scrathing on cuts more often...nowadays the DJ's dont
impress me so I dont know...example: Q-Bert is pure NOISE (doesn't
deserve all the credit he gets)

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: A little of both..
there aint nothin wrong with R&B..it is intergrated hiphop culture,
which is young urban culture, which is primarly young black culture..
i rather hear a a sista with a voice, than some wack dj...(there are

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: C-Bo

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Ben

Email: mailto:adben@earthlink.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Lyle Veloso

Email: mailto:kmxe@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Somehow have shows,
events, showcases which showcases tha DJ, and not just tha DJ but
all elements of hip-hop. Even though i am tha type of teen u have
just described up top, i try everyday 2 understand and learn more
about tha culture which i pledge allegiance 2. I dont know shit 2
tell tha truth, but i know a few thangs.....tha DJ is where it all
started, hip-hop is in me...and i am now concentratin on DJing and

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Tha Death Row camp.....

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: rebecca

Email: mailto:rebeccaj@webmedia.com.au?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Support local acts,
keep up radio coverage.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Robin Smith

Email: mailto:robin.smith1@sympatico.ca?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Start by giving the
turntablist more respect. Back in the days, it was all about the DJ,
the MC evolved as someone who was to get the crowd hyped up for what
the DJ was doing. Then it all flip flopped. The MCs of today owe
much to the DJs but many of them give no respect. Even those who do
tour with a "real" DJ don't give a mixing set up to their DJ. I
think respect is due to people like Beck, who seems to respect real
DJs more than "true" hip hopppers do!! Labels need to release more
DJ albums and promoters need to push turntablist events.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: If they don't want one
then there is no point. I would instead just give more respect to a
group that is already DJ aware.

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Mahshar

Email: mailto:Mahshar360@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: scratching to me
makes the songs iLLer..it adds a certain energy and if good
scratching is used it shows alot of creativity.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: i think the members
of the hip-hop community who put out music should include a DJ
flexin on at least half of their tracks they record.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: i'd like to see ALL
hip-hop artists with a DJ.. unfortunatly this won't happen but it's
also tough for some artists to find a DJ with the same views.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: EvilSpider_XL

Email: mailto:evilspider@earthlink.net?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: BeatBoxing, Breakin,
Graffiti, and scratchin the wax went to the way side all too much of
the image that todays commercial rap is laying on kids ears. That's
the the difference between what's rap and what is hiphop. If the
record industry would get by the image and focus on the art form,
real hiphop would be what it was in the 80's again. Enough of this
played out gangsta stuff. As long as the industry plays that role,
the origins will long be forgotten or never known by the youth who
are now listening to the radio and glamourizing the thug life.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Off the top of my
head, I can't think of any.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Huggy Bear

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: If you know any
DJ's, support them. Buy mixtapes, go to any events featuring DJ's,
support your local scene, maybe even learn how to do it yourself,
support underground Hip-Hop, throw a house party, organize a B-Boy
summit in your town.buy vinyl even if you don't mix, and if you do,
make tapes and give them away.do anything and everything you can to
preserve this ART, because it is art. And always remember, if you
take away the music, all you really have essentially is rhythmic
poetry, you take the lyrics away, you still got Hip-Hop, no matter

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I would like to see
anybody that doesn't already have a DJ get one. DJ's made real
Hip-Hop possible, and I feel that a Hip-Hop artist who doesn't have
a DJ is only a rapper.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Nick L

Email: mailto:dblilac@ix.netcom.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I think that we
should keep it underground and just progress if for ourselves and
not for the mainstream listeners. The lables will not do anything
for us because they don't see any dollar signs and they don't want
to pay a dj in a hip-hop group so most of the dj's just get screwed.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: None. If they don't
have one already then they just aren't knowing what a dj can bring
to the whole vibe of the music.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Ocean

Email: mailto:mellowpages@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Simply start yourself!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: Nas

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: Serg

Email: mailto:BCSTOY@aol.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Fuck all this R&B
bullshit I want to hear some DJs tearing it up. Hip hop now is so
watered down and catered towards the mainstream it sounds like the
same shit over and over. One of the main reasons I picked up Dr.
Octogan was because of Q-bert. Kool Keith is nice and all but Q is
the shit man. More MCS need to step out of the spotlight and let
their DJ shine cause no one does that anymore. There are a lot of
kids out there that are down with hiphop but have never heard of ISP,
Xmen, or Beatjunkies. Its not there fault either because they been
feed all this wack shit by MTV,wack radio stations, and stores that
don't underground shit or vinyl. These kids only know of Puff,Tupac,
Snoop,and B.I.G. that all they have ever heard and know. I know what
I'm taking about cause I got to school with kids like that.I live in
Phoenix, AZ and I got to hunt my for Hiphop because out here there is
no support for it. Its our duty to support hiphop cuz if we don't
know one else will. So if an Mc does not have a DJ we should not
support them cuz they don't support true HipHop. Not having a DJ
stagnates the music and does not allow for progress. Instead it
changes it into a sythetic fake version of wack ass hiphop

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: More Artists should
give there DJs a chance to shine not just have him play the beat. We
need more songs like Bear Witness.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Deepak

Email: mailto:BBPD@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Get more hip-hop
DJ'in, beat-boxing type o stuff goin on around town. Like here in
Melbourne the only way the boyz gets to hear about the real deal
HIP-HOP is through word of mouth. Get it more live stuff goin down
and more info and adverts of when its on!!

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: I've been poisoned
with to much Amercanised bush-wacking bullsh-t. So I really can't
answer this one until i go through DE-TOX!!!

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Roderigo

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: There is little that
can truly be done to save hip hop as a whole (throughout the world).
However, each person must play his/her part in preserving true hip
hop and its origins. In order to bring back the dj, more support for
events must be shown, and the overall idea of hip hop unity be
revived. Often events take place and lack of knowledge about events
leads to lacking successes. More events need to be organised in
order to bring together the different facets that make up hip hop in
1997, thus creating a support base community for all factors,
including dj-ing. While the extended support for breaking , mc-ing
and graffiti is needed desperately, at the same time we do not want
the effects of the media and mainstream population influencing or
destroying the underground unity and worth that already exists....
catch-22 i guess.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: SHIT- no idea on that
one because it is up to each and every artist to decide on their
levels on influence from the world of hip hop, mass media and the
TRUE environment in which we live....Australia - not the bronx. Good
example of decent set of dedicated .... Unique and Def Wish Cast.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Leo

Email: mailto:Persuader_1@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: I would like to
hear a DJ, cuttin the shit outa R&B...

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Like you guys,
release tracks, compilations, do shows...

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: FUCK EM!!... If
they dont got the knowledge to feature a DJ, let them wither away
from the underground. Instead: Let the underground emcees come up
with DJ....

What Groups would you like see have a DJ?: I cant help but give it
to some of the rappers that dont sport a DJ on their roster, since
I'm a rapper myself. But I'll tell ya what: They better start coming
with DJ's or I'm getting bored stupid, Ight!....

Name: dj pershah

Email: mailto:fongmato@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: Only if it
compliments the song correctly.

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Modern day r&b is
wack, r&b will never achieve its greatness as it did during the
Motown years, that was MUSIC.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: None that I know of.

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: Nick Toth

Email: mailto:vinylfreak@hotmail.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Do you like to hear scratching on songs - Reasons: If done well, it
can be a vital element of the track; cuts can be a chorus, a soloist
or whatever...

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: Put on more DJ
comps, support underground jams/parties/acts, buy dope mix tapes and
tune into the right shows.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: It's up to them to

Should we compile a Boycott List: No

Name: karma

Email: mailto:karma@docusa.com?subject=response from Bomb Australia Discussion Topic

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: If possible, stay
independent. Or fight for your right as a group, not a solo MC.

What Groups would you like to see have a DJ?: The Fresh Prince!
He needs Jeff back bad!!!!

Should we compile a Boycott List: Yes

Name: naphtali

Do you like to hear scratching on songs: Yes

Would you rather hear an R&B chorus or a DJ: DJ

What can we do to preserve & bring back the DJ: I think there are a
lot of dj's out there who probabley need to be assured that they
are needed most in this time, despite the fact that they are not
being represented or given the props he or she deserves. mc's must
let the dj's know. seen?

Should we compile a Boycott List: No